After Easter Sunday worship and a yummy backyard picnic with family and friends, we ended our 10-hour gathering with a rousing game of Speed Scrabble. [Speed Scrabble scraps the board and allows each player to create their own crossword puzzle that can change as the game evolves . . . when a player uses their seven tiles they shout "Take 2" (tiles) until the last tile is used]. The later it got, we started stretching the rules and making up new ways to play. For instance, Story Scrabble: once you've finished your crossword, you have to make up a story using all the words you created. Super Story Scrabble: each person makes up a story using the running list of the most creative words from each game like . . . sublime, cruet, tarnish, zipper, hoaxed, dainty, rotten, jousting, eviction, bilge, vixen, cottage. This morning as I was trying to separate the two sets of tiles we had used, I thought of another variation: Bad Sport Scrabble: using any tiles you want to write a message to people who have a ridiculously large vocabulary and always beat you. But I'm really not competitive . . .
That is some Scrabble Babble right there! How fun that was last night and all day yesterday. OF course after dark chocolate eggs, a DP and Speed Scrabble, I was wound up and didn’t go to sleep until around 1:00. I didn’t mind though after getting that much time with you dear friends.
Funny! I think our Poland AGM team played Speed Scrabble in the BNA airport while we waited for our flight that was delayed.
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