23 March 2011

New Easter Carpet

Sleepovers with my 3 1/2 year old grandson are one of the finest things in life, especially because his disposition is serendipitously better than his predecessors on our side of the genes. A different characteristic unique to my early intervention background is that "Rain," even as a toddler, rarely picked up tiny things and put them in his mouth. Rather, he would gingerly pick through tiny items in my Button Bowl, lining them up by color or shape and look at them through a magnifying glass.
Now you have context for what most would call "inevitable" or "a weekly experience." My kitchen has a drawer full of cupcake papers, funny candles and lots of cookie cutters for our frequent culinary projects. Way in the back was an Easter Egg Coloring Kit that Rainor noticed when we were talking about St. Patrick's Day. I casually mentioned that Easter is the holiday that comes next. Last Saturday I was getting ready for work . . . 
Rainor (holding the kit) : Lainee is it time to color easter eggs yet?

Lainee: No, not for a few weeks; will you please put the Easter Kit back in the kitchen? 

Rain: But I want to color eggs today.

Lainee: Well, the eggs would be pretty yucky by Easter, so we better wait until it's closer to Easter.

Rain: O---KAY . . .

I didn't give it another thought until I was walking out the door and saw five dark little spots under the end table where his toy bucket lives.  At first they looked solid, but as I got closer, I realized they were WET.  I got a paper towel and my worst theory was confirmed . . . a glorious rainbow design appeared instantly!  All I could do was leave "Pops" and Rainor with a two-liter bottle of club soda, some OxyClean spray, and a roll of paper towels.
Several hours later, I returned to find a 1 foot diameter rainbow-colored, easter-egg-shaped design  permanently adorning my carpet.  My Facebook Friends have been especially supportive of my new Austin Powers motif . . .

"At least he's cute :) makes up for mishaps like this, right? lol (young cousin from my gene pool)

"WOW that is some serious color!" (unmarried friend)

"i feel ya....hahahaha" (mother of seven)

"Just do the whole floor like that and you'll have one groovy carpet!! " (friend who washes her towels every day)

"It's beautiful Lainee!!! I love it! It's your MOJO carpet . . . Baby!" (friend from work with almost-grown kids)

Notice the missing lid . . . found it upstairs next to a SMALLER, rainbow colored egg in that room!
A sunnier outlook (also not common in my gene pool): Rainor may have done me a big favor.  I've been so sick of having carpet in the den that I'm ready to pull it up and paint the sub-flooring until I can afford new hardwood floors.  Maybe Rainor and I could get the Easter Egg Kit out early for a pre-Easter project!  Has something like this happened to you?  Do tell . . .

1 comment:

Jen Stadler said...

Not at my house yet, but I'm sure it's coming soon!I think it's a win-win situation. You get rid of carpet you hate and his creativity isn't stifled. ;) Glad you're back on the blog. Now I can reactivate your link on mine! Right after I get back to blogging!

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