15 January 2009

What Was I Thinking?

I've seen alot of pictures of myself over the last fifty-two years, but this one kind of freaks me out. The original is really small--a little 2 X 3 BW glossy taken with a Kodak Brownie--so teeny and faded that you need a magnifying glass to definitively identify which sister it is (individual pics of middle kids are rare). I never looked at it that closely until my hunt for a baby shower picture uncovered some old family photos I either snitched or copied. The freak-out began when I scanned some of the pictures to my laptop. Surely you're more adept than I am at editing and formatting pictures, but I haphazardly zapped and zoomed until suddenly, I was being stared down by an 8 1/2 X 11 of my own mini-bugged-out eyeballs (adjacent to some elfin ears and a suspicious Vulcan-like hand signal)! Then I had this really odd feeling . . . what was I thinking? My earliest childhood memories are just "flashes" of my Grandaddy Everett eating pickles in a big chair with a lacey doilie on the headrest . . . guess I'll never know what was happening in that little grapefruit for the three years before that. Hmm . . .


KyTexBeth said...

You were thinking, "Uh, oh, this is gonna come back to haunt me in 50 years or so...."

Its Lainee said...

Amy Rose wrote, [Mother] was thinking...wow what were we thinking when Suzy was six months old and they had a little extra time on their hands on Edloe?" Wala...the elf eared baby was made!!!! Take it easy. oxoxarose

Pam said...

This an amazing blog you have inspired me,


Anonymous said...

I love you, Elaine, but no chills!

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