28 March 2009

Talking with the Worms

In middle Tennessee, it's not quite time to do alot of planting, but I'm happy to say that most of my indoor starter seeds are showing signs of germinating . . . but oh--so--delicate is my "certified organic" investment at this point! However, today was a great morning to pull weeds, since it has rained alot the last couple of days. We had a few hours before Ali was to dump three yards of Midnight Mulch in our driveway so we picked our way through all the beds trying to discern the new growth from the imposters. But happy day, each time I turned the soil over I'd find a little earthworm and talk to it. "Hello, little earthworm. I hope you're happy living with the gerber daisies that pop up here every year, even though they usually aren't perennials." "Hi, little wormies. Thank you for creating air pockets in the clay next to my Texas Bluebonnets that have never bloomed in the 10 years I've lived here." "Oops, sorry Mr. Earthworm. I didn't mean to cut off your tail . . . or was that your head?"
Later, when the mulch had been delivered and the tornado sirens started going off in our neighborhood, I discovered that you can buy the most amazing products from the Gardener's Supply Company, including an upside down "gardener's revolutionary tomato planter", fabric potato bins that can hold a 13 lb. potato harvest (Davey may not have to dig me a new space after all!) . . . but nothing can beat an order of 2000 earthworms for only $92.00 (seeds of change.com)! "Hey little earthworms, you are quite the little entrepreneurs, aren't you?"


Kristi said...

can just hear your sweet voice talking to the worms.

and, you're crazy. :) <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

She not only talks to the earthworms, but the big worm in her life. And I'm glad she does.


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