23 October 2008

Up for Interpretation

Some of you know that I have a history of pretty strange dreams that I sometimes remember in great detail . . . I recently came across this 2006 account that I had totally blocked out: "Another one of my bizarre dreams came last night. I was living in a house of terrorists/aliens, but I was considered "family." I kept moving from room to room because there were "dangerous" people coming. At one point, I went to warn Amanda, but I could barely hear her voice. She was trying to tell me that something was happening to her--I saw her from behind and she looked like a toddler. When I turned her around, she barely had a face anymore and was withering up. The next thing I knew, there was some kind of raid and I was hiding in an outdoor flower bed on the side of the house--a raised, brick one that had been built, but had nothing planted in it. I was lying on my side when STEVE MARTIN came and sat on the edge of the flower bed. He didn't seem surprised at all to see me, and we began a nice conversation until a couple of policemen came along. They never saw me, and didn't bother with Steve since he was a celebrity. When they finally left, Steve told me that he had always wanted to meet me and had enjoyed seeing my work! I told him I had only been on "poop" shows and didn't know how he had ever seen me . . . but he had, and wanted to get to know me better and that was the end of the dream." The only possible "trigger" I recorded was that I had watched "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" before going to bed. Recently I was telling David that I wish God would give me some real dreams like Joseph (thus the "technicolor coat") However, upon further consideration, maybe I should keep my dreams to myself lest someone throw me into a big cistern. I dreamed abouta cistern once, like the one on Petticoat Junction . . .

15 October 2008

Sari Bari Songbook

If you want to enjoy the outcome of deep faith, God-centered music, lasting friendships and ample art supplies, click here to see what five friends created for our dear ones' home worship in India .

11 October 2008

The First Convertible Ride

Oh, to be three and a half again, and on your first convertible ride . . . at night, no less! The fall air was a little chilly as we sped away from the suburban lights, but we forgot about it when we began to see some stars. Asha began counting: “I see one star, I see four . . . five stars . . . I see one hundred stars! I mentioned that God has put each star in its place and knows the name of every one. As we started up the darker mountain extension, Asha pointed out yet another star so I asked what she thought its name might be. Without hesitation she answered, “Starry Bari.” We were still laughing at her unconscious play on words—Sari Bari is a cause her parents championed in India—when her precious preschool lisp rang out again. “It’s so beautiful! I can’t stand it!" And that it was. The breeze. The moon. The dim silhouette of hills and trees. A simple ride with the top down had become a holy moment I’ll never forget. And a few months from now, when I’m lonesome for my precious friends on the other side of the planet, I will look up into the heavens knowing that Asha and “Starry Bari” are exactly where God has placed them and that He knows both of them by name. “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Daniel 12:3

07 October 2008

02 October 2008

I Never Thought I'd See the Day . . .

A two story Target in New Orleans complete with an escalator for shopping carts (glad I had my camera)!
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